
ESG as part of the strategy

We are a company focused on developing Brazil, investing in unique and irreplicable assets that are aligned with the demand for a low-carbon economy, and advocating for the rational, responsible, and sustainable use of our country’s natural resources.

Through our trajectory of continuous growth and delivery of results, we are focused on continuously improving our ESG practices, as operating sustainably has always been an integral part of our culture.

Evolving on this journey demonstrates our belief that strong performance in this agenda means risk management and sustainability in delivering financial results. Our evolution follows market trends and meets the demands of our stakeholders.

Recognizing that our financial performance and new growth cycles will depend on excellent ESG performance, we have structured a long-term vision to formalize our commitment to the agenda.

Our material topics

A common direction for the companies of our portfolio

ESG performance in market scores

Cosan integrates various indexes and ratings that evaluate and classify organizations according to environmental, social, and governance criteria. Among them are:

Evolution of Cosan’s performance in index and ratings
2020 2021 2022 2023
ISE 71¹ 74.58 75.78 79.68
CSA 52 50 63 63
CDP B A- A-     –
Sustainnalytics 32.8 34.2
FTSE4Good 2.5 2.6

1) based on old methodology

Indexes that we participate

Sustainability Report

Our Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards – Essential option –, including indicators from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and also our action plan for each of the 11 recommendations issued by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), as part of our commitment to make progress along this path.