Boldness with responsibility

We are Cosan. We invest in companies that promote the development of society, directly impacting people's daily lives.

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Result with purpose

Renewable energy
Gas & energy

investimos em setores essenciais para a sociedade, são eles: energia renovável, Óleo e Gás, Agronegócio e Mineração.

investimos em setores essenciais para a sociedade, são eles: energia renovável, Óleo e Gás, Agronegócio e Mineração.
Cosan contributes to the global energy transition and decarbonization
Cosan contributes to the global energy transition and decarbonization
Cosan contributes to the global energy transition and decarbonization
Cosan contributes to the global energy transition and decarbonization
Cosan promotes a broader transparent and competitive gas market
Cosan promotes a broader transparent and competitive gas market
Cosan promotes a broader transparent and competitive gas market
Cosan supports Brazilian agribusiness that feeds the world
Cosan supports Brazilian agribusiness that feeds the world
Cosan supports Brazilian agribusiness that feeds the world
Cosan supports Brazilian agribusiness that feeds the world
Cosan is committed to its responsible practices

Solid portfolio of irreplicable assets


O maior player integrado e verticalizado do mundo, em país de tamanho continental. Referência global em bioenergia e com amplo portfólio de produtos renováveis.

  • Shell
  • Grupo Nos
  • Raízen power


A logistics solutions company that moves Brazil and connects agribusiness with the world, far beyond the railroad. We connect the main producing regions with the country's main port, safely, competitively and with low carbon emissions.

  • Brado


Created to expand and diversify the gas market in Brazil, and to promote a safer and efficient energy transition

  • Edge
  • Comgás
  • Commit


One of the largest producers and distributors of lubricants, with a global footprint.

  • Comma
  • Tirreno
  • PetroChoice
  • Mobil


Reference in agricultural property management with a diversified portfolio and high potential for appreciation, comprising around 320,000 hectares strategically positioned in 7 Brazilian states.


Vale is a Brazilian company that is a world leader in low-carbon mining, operating in 20 countries in the mining, logistics - with railroads, ports, terminals and infrastructure - energy and steel sectors.

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    52 weeks

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Cosan does not sell any type of commodities and does not have authorized representatives to act on behalf of the company for this purpose.

If any person or company makes contact, informing that they represent Cosan S/A for this type of negotiation, do not carry out the transaction and inform us immediately: