Ownership breakdown

Cosan S.A.’s shares

Shareholder Shares %
Controlling Group 672,312,930 36.02%
Treasury 3,770,946 0.20%
Other Shareholders* 1,190,487,056 63.78%
Total 1,866,570,932 100.00%

Historical data of changes in shares by controlling shareholder, management members and of the shares buyback is available in the monthly reports disclosed by the Company that are in compliance with CVM Resolution No. 44

*Including Total Return Swap

Updated on 12/11/2024 (reference date: 11/29/2024).


Summary of Issues and Cancellation of Shares

Date Movement Common shares % of Common Shares Approved by
08/13/2024 Cancellation of Shares held in Treasury -7,500,000 -0,40% Board of Directors
04/30/2021 Shares split 1,405,553,199 n.a. Shareholders’ Meeting
03/01/2021 Capital Increase 31,025,350 6.48% Board of Directors
02/05/2021 Cancellation of Shares held in Treasury -10,000,000 -2.13% Board of Directors
10/24/2019 Cancellation of Shares held in Treasury -4,694,353 -1.18% Board of Directors
03/26/2019 Cancellation of Shares held in Treasury -9,000,000 -2.21% Board of Directors
02/22/2017 Capital Increase 610,000 0.15% Board of Directors

(*) Information available in Portuguese only.