ESG 2030 Vision

Committed to generating value for our investors and contributing to the development of society, our ESG Vision is oriented toward a more sustainable future. Our sustainability strategy encompasses five priority pillars: Corporate Governance and Transparency, Climate Change, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Positive Social Impact, and People Safety, with a commitment to long-term responsibility in management and execution.

ESG Vision 2030 – Our ESG strategy

Our ESG strategy has a governance based on three main tasks:

(1) to support the evolution of the business in this area, based on the guidelines set out in the ESG Vision 2030;

(2) to engage and promote exchanges and synergies between them, especially on environmental and social issues;

(3) consolidating information on the ESG performance of the portfolio, communicating our performance transparently to stakeholders.

In this sense, the ESG Vision 2030 acts as a guide for Cosan in the management of material issues and exerts a constructive influence and impact on the companies: Rumo, Compass, Moove and Raízen, establishing itself as a benchmark for sustainability practices.

Our Material Themes

A common guideline for the companies in our portfolio

Corporate Governance and Transparency

To ensure good governance and meet the transparency expectations of our stakeholders, we are committed to an ongoing journey, constantly attentive to the best practices in the market.

Find out about our commitments

Climate Change

Our business’s impact is manifested through our contribution to the energy transition and the ongoing challenge of implementing clean and renewable energies.

Find out about our commitments

People Safety

A non-negotiable value for Cosan, safety always comes first. We have a duty to ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone, from our own operations to the surrounding communities.

Find out about our commitments

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Valuing our people is part to the Cosan way. We are committed to diversity, promoting inclusion, and fostering equity to create a safe environment for minority groups within the company.

Find out about our commitments

Positive Socia Impact

Contributing to the development of people and society, thereby building a better Brazil.

Find out about our commitments

Discover ESG Vision

Discover Vision ESG, a common guideline for the companies in our portfolio.