Who we are

About Cosan

We are Cosan, a company that invests in irreplaceable assets that promote the development of society.

With our own management model and unique culture, we guarantee sustainable relationships by always investing responsibly.

Together we maximize the generation of value for our employees, investors and society.

Cosan’s Management Model

We have created our own management model, which is marked by sustainable relationships and sustainable investment. With an attentive eye for people, we seek opportunities together to achieve the best results.

Our model combines talent with operational excellence, boldness and agile execution, allowing us to generate value for our investors and drive people and businesses to their full potential.

Entrepreneurial Culture

To support our management model and strengthen our way of building and conducting our relations with all stakeholders, we rely on an Entrepreneurial Culture that encourages behaviors that guide “how” our teams operate daily. We pursue this path anchored in five behaviors: never settle for less, agility, integrity, respect for plurality and constructive dialogue.

To support our management model and strengthen our way of building and conducting our relations with all stakeholders, we rely on an Entrepreneurial Culture that encourages behaviors that guide “how” our teams operate daily. We pursue this path anchored in five behaviors: never settle for less, agility, integrity, respect for plurality and constructive dialogue.